Housewife's Handbook

Photo:Cover of The Housewife's Handbook

Cover of The Housewife's Handbook

From a book published by Ward, Lock & Co

Photo:A modern refrigerator

A modern refrigerator

From a book published by Ward, Lock & Co

Photo:Labour-saving appliances in the kitchen

Labour-saving appliances in the kitchen

From a book published by Ward, Lock & Co

Photo:The electric cooker

The electric cooker

From a book published by Ward, Lock & Co

Illustrations from book published in c1950

By Paul Douch

Do you remember this book being on the family bookshelves?  It looks like one of those books a mother-in-law might have bought for her daughter-in-law, destined to be read once before gathering dust on a forgotten shelf, or perhaps referred to more than the young housewife would like to admit - when, for instance, she needed to know how to remove mildew or test mushrooms*...

Selected illustrations from the book show:

    A well-stocked refrigerator (made by GEC)

    Coke Boiler with gas poker for easy lighting. Gas Cooker and Mottled EnamelWash Boiler

    An electric cooker

Can you recall any of these being used in the family home?

* "When cooking mushrooms, for safety's sake place a clean sixpence in the vessel in which they are being cooked.  If the silver shows the least discoloration the mushrooms are unfit for use."

This page was added by Paul Douch on 29/04/2007.
Comments about this page

On the subject of books does anyone remember the 1950s holiday brochue brought out by the GT.YARMOUTH council listing all the hotels bourding houses ,shows ,etc or has anyone got a copy? I would like to get hold of any copy of those years on the cover was a miss Gt Yarmouth holding long type of trumpet wih a flag attached with the coat of arms REMEMBER IT?

By colinbrowne
On 22/11/2008

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